The study was based at the Uganda Virus Research Institute, Entebbe, Uganda between February 2013 and March 2015 among five fishing communities (Kigungu, Kasenyi, Rwanjaba, Bugonga and Nakiwogo) around the Entebbe peninsula of Lake Victoria. and the effect of treating the parasites around the responses. A cohort of 3C5 year-old children, either infected with or not, was enrolled and given measles immunisation. The infected children were treated for either before, at the time of, or a week after the immunisation. Levels of antibodies against measles were measured at one week and 24 weeks after immunisation as indication GDC-0879 of possible protection against measles. The levels of antibodies against measles were lower among the contamination is usually associated with reduced measles immunisation responses and that treatment enhances the response. At 24 weeks post-immunisation, when all children had been treated for contamination is usually endemic in Uganda affecting mainly fishing communities [20] including children under five years old [21C23]. contamination is usually associated with strong immunoregulation [24] and this has been shown to extend to unrelated antigens [25]. This might influence the responses to measles immunisations as a result of suppressed responses due to impaired or altered antigen presentation [26], or a Th-type 2 biased response [27, 28]. We hypothesised that immunogenicity to the measles vaccine is usually impaired in infected children and that praziquantel treatment of infected children will improve their responses to measles immunisation. Here we report findings of a study around the association between contamination and antibody responses to catch-up measles immunisation among pre-school children, and of a randomised trial of the effect of praziquantel treatment around the measles vaccine responseCthe first trial of this kind. Methods Ethics statement Ethical approval of the study was obtained from the Uganda Computer virus Research Institute Science and Ethics committee and the GDC-0879 Uganda National Ppia Council for Science and Technology (HS 1307). Informed written consent was obtained from the parent or guardian of the children. Study establishing and enrolment of participants We conducted an observational study combined with an individually randomised, non-blinded, trial of praziquantel treatment for contamination, investigating effects around the response to measles immunisation (the Immune Modulation and Child years Immunisation study [IMoCh; registration number: ISRCTN87107592]). The study was based at the Uganda Computer virus Research Institute, Entebbe, Uganda between February 2013 and March 2015 among five fishing communities (Kigungu, Kasenyi, Rwanjaba, Bugonga and Nakiwogo) around the Entebbe peninsula of Lake Victoria. Children, three to five years old, GDC-0879 were screened for contamination, using the Kato-Katz technique [29] and a single stool sample. The screening was carried out in collaboration with the Vector Control Division of the Ministry of Health, Uganda. Children who were stool positive for were invited to participate in the study after obtaining written informed consent from their parents or guardians. To obtain an uninfected comparison group, 85 children were randomly selected from among stool negative children and also enrolled after obtaining written informed consent from their parents or guardians. For this group, two additional stool samples were requested on two consecutive days. Those found unfavorable on all three stool samples were further tested with stool PCR, as previously described [30]. In brief, DNA from stored stool was extracted using a QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (Qiagen), purified in QIAamp spin columns, quantified on a Nano drop 2000c and diluted to 50ng/l. Specific forward and reverse primers and Taqman probes were used in a multiplex, real-time PCR. DNA was detected using Ssp48F, Ssp124R and Ssp78T-TR with Texas Red and (BHQ2). Serial dilutions of a positive pool were included to set a ct value cut off for the test samples. DNA amplification, detection and data analysis were achieved with the BIORAD CFX96 Real time system and Bio-Rad CFX manager. Children found to be unfavorable on all three stool samples and on PCR were considered uninfected. Randomisation and measles immunisation Children infected with and enrolled into the study were randomly assigned in a 1:1:1 ratio to three study groups. Group A received praziquantel treatment (PZQ) two weeks before measles immunisation, Group B received PZQ on the same day as measles immunisation, Group C received PZQ one week GDC-0879 after measles immunisation (and GDC-0879 after one-week blood samples had been taken). PZQ treatment against was by single-dose at 40 mg/kg in accord with Ministry of Health guidelines. uninfected children (group D) received measles immunisation but no praziquantel.